Odc Officeapps Live
Create your best work with the latest versions of Word, Excel, and other Office apps. Plus, get 1 TB of cloud storage, document sharing, ransomware recovery, and more with OneDrive. What exactly are you trying to accomplish. You could use a GPO to add them to the PROXY Bypass list in IE but Vasil is correct that it would be much better to add them at the Proxy/Firewall. Their is generally no need to add them to the zone list in IE. プロキシ環境下でMicrosoft Office2013を利用しているが、 起動時にたまに上記のようなID/PW入力画面がポップアップ表示される。. Every connection was to port 443 (reserved for HTTPS), so the data traveling between the Windows 7 PC and these remote computers at Akamai was encrypted. As shown below, three of the computers Word contacted have the same name, cdn.odc.officeapps.live.com. This is a normal occurrence.
C2rsetup Officeapps Live 64 Bit
# The . indicates the use of a wildcard |
.adhybridhealth.azure.com |
.api.microsoftstream.com |
.api.skype.com |
.asm.skype.com |
.assets-yammer.com |
.azureedge.net |
.azurerms.com |
.broadcast.skype.com |
.cc.skype.com |
.cloudapp.net |
.config.skype.com |
.conv.skype.com |
.dc.trouter.io |
.entrust.net |
.geotrust.com |
.helpshift.com |
.hockeyapp.net |
.localytics.com |
.lync.com |
.microsoft.com |
.microsoftonline.com |
.microsoftonline-p.com |
.microsoftonline-p.net |
.msecnd.net |
.msedge.net |
.msg.skype.com |
.msocdn.com |
.office.com |
.office.net |
.office365.com |
.omniroot.com |
.onmicrosoft.com |
.outlook.com |
.pipe.skype.com |
.portal.cloudappsecurity.com |
.public-trust.com |
.search.production.apac.trafficmanager.net |
.search.production.emea.trafficmanager.net |
.search.production.us.trafficmanager.net |
.secure.skypeassets.com |
.sfbassets.com |
.sharepoint.com |
.sharepointonline.com |
.skypeforbusiness.com |
.storage.live.com |
.svc.ms |
.sway.com |
.symcb.com |
.symcd.com |
.teams.skype.com |
.verisign.com |
.verisign.net |
.windows.net |
.yammer.com |
.yammerusercontent.com |
.powerbi.com |
.officeapps.live.com |
officecdn.microsoft.com.edgesuite.net |
broadcast.officeapps.live.com |
excel.officeapps.live.com |
onenote.officeapps.live.com |
powerpoint.officeapps.live.com |
view.officeapps.live.com |
visio.officeapps.live.com |
word-edit.officeapps.live.com |
word-view.officeapps.live.com |
account.activedirectory.windowsazure.com |
ad.atdmt.com |
admin.onedrive.com |
ajax.aspnetcdn.com |
aka.ms |
amp.azure.net |
api.microsoftstream.com |
apis.live.net |
assets.onestore.ms |
auth.gfx.ms |
broadcast.skype.com |
cacerts.digicert.com |
cdn.onenote.net |
cdn.optimizely.com |
config.edge.skype.com |
connect.facebook.net |
crl.globalsign.com |
crl3.digicert.com |
crl4.digicert.com |
dc.services.visualstudio.com |
ecn.dev.virtualearth.net |
eus-www.sway-cdn.com |
eus-www.sway-extensions.com |
feedback.skype.com |
firstpartyapps.oaspapps.com |
graph.skype.com |
groupsapi2-prod.outlookgroups.ms |
groupsapi3-prod.outlookgroups.ms |
groupsapi4-prod.outlookgroups.ms |
groupsapi-prod.outlookgroups.ms |
latest-swx.cdn.skype.com |
liverdcxstorage.blob.core.windowsazure.com |
management.azure.com |
mem.gfx.ms |
nexus.officeapps.live.com |
nexusrules.officeapps.live.com |
ocsp.globalsign.com |
ocsp.msocsp.com |
ocsp2.globalsign.com |
office.live.com |
oneclient.sfx.ms |
outlook.uservoice.com |
pipe.skype.com |
platform.linkedin.com |
policykeyservice.dc.ad.msft.net |
prod.firstpartyapps.oaspapps.com.akadns.net |
prod.registrar.skype.com |
prod.tpc.skype.com |
s.ytimg.com |
s-0001.s-msedge.net |
s-0004.s-msedge.net |
scsinstrument-ss-us.trafficmanager.net |
scsquery-ss-asia.trafficmanager.net |
scsquery-ss-eu.trafficmanager.net |
scsquery-ss-us.trafficmanager.net |
secure.globalsign.com |
site-cdn.onenote.net |
skydrive.wns.windows.com |
skypemaprdsitus.trafficmanager.net |
spoprod-a.akamaihd.net |
staffhub.ms |
staffhub.uservoice.com |
sway.com |
swx.cdn.skype.com |
telemetry.remoteapp.windowsazure.com |
telemetryservice.firstpartyapps.oaspapps.com |
web.microsoftstream.com |
wus-firstpartyapps.oaspapps.com |
wus-www.sway-cdn.com |
wus-www.sway-extensions.com |
www.google-analytics.com |
www.onedrive.com |
www.remoteapp.windowsazure.com |
#Windows Exception |
.windowsupdate.com |