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Rate This Story: Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor: When I was 12 years old I had a sleepover I will never forget. Me and my friends Alex and Mitchell were all sleeping over at Alex's house. We had all just woken up and Alex's mom had left us a note in the kitchen 'hope you all slept well. I'm out for the day and won't be back until about 4PM. Find stories by their author (username starting with #-H) For the Celebrity Directory, use the search function for the site, highlight all of the authors and search for a celeb's name (do not just highlight 'The Directory' or 'Author Directory'. Every story featuring that celeb will show.

According to legend, Russian empress Catherine the Great died while attempting to engage in sexual intercourse with a horse. The truss holding her equine paramour broke, crushing Catherine to death beneath the poor beast.

Catherine the Great actually expired alone and of natural causes. On the morning of 5 November 1796, Catherine arose, drank coffee, and sat down to write. About three hours later her chamberlain, curious that he had not been summoned as usual, found her barely conscious on the floor of a closet adjacent to her bedroom. As her servant summoned help, Catherine lapsed into unconsciousness from which she never awakened and died at 9:45 PM the next day. An autopsy conducted the next day determined the cause of death to be a cerebral hemorrhage.

Pornographic poetry and gossip about Catherine’s excessive appetite for sex — especially her alleged fondness for the barnyard variety — circulated in Russia (and throughout Europe) during Catherine’s lifetime. Exactly when and where the story about Catherine’s death having been caused by a horse originated remains unknown.

As one of her biographers wrote, the “implications of the horse story appear aimed at undercutting Catherine’s claims to greatness, by aggressively asserting that her primary motivation was unbridled sex, the excesses of which resulted in her monstrous death.”

History regards Catherine as a powerful ruler who saved Russia from almost certain invasion and annexation by her stronger neighbors. Under her, the country prospered, schools were established, laws enacted, wars fought and won. Yet to do all this, the former German princess had to first wrest control from her insane husband, which she did by staging a coup and declaring herself empress.

While her success as a monarch lies at the heart of the various bestiality rumors circulated about her, so too does her overthrow of her husband, because both were viewed in her lifetime and beyond as unnatural — women of that era were held to be biologically inferior and thus incapable of leading nations with any success, and wives were put on this Earth to be subservient to husbands, not to dethrone them. (Remember, women of those times who killed their husbands were guilty not of murder but of petite treason, a legal term that makes it abundantly clear what the proper relationship between husband and wife was supposed to be.)


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Widespread rumors about Catherine engaging in aberrant sexual practices became a way of saying that Catherine herself was an aberration, a freak of nature, and thus that her success as a ruler and her marital treason were not natural to her gender. Rather than challenge the existing premise of women being woefully inferior to men, ordinary human nature would have caused those of both sexes looking for explanations for the apparent conundrum to find one that accounted for Catherine the Great.

Dao last will and testament. Wedding night sex may be the most overhyped part of getting married. There is so much pressure to have amazing sex after you say 'I do'—but we're not quite sure why. For many couples, sex is already a big part of their relationship, and let's face it—wedding sex can run the gamut, from sweet and romantic to super overrated or even a disaster. Take it from these real brides who dished on how their wedding night sex (or lack thereof) went down.

A Stolen Moment

'Some kind and caring friends warned us that the night would fly by and we'd be exhausted at the end, so we hightailed it out of our ceremony (and through a few post-ceremony photos with our photographers) to have some alone time together. My Jewish friends and relatives refer to this as 'making soup.' Our wedding party covered for us during the cocktail hour as we snuck into the groomsmen's quarters where I lifted my dress to consummate our marriage! Since we got married outside, I remember seeing little spiders crawling through the lace of my wedding dress as I was bent over the couch, laughing the whole time. The rest of our party, people would come up and ask 'So, how was the soup?' I've since passed this advice along to all of my engaged friends—make soup after your ceremony! Thankfully we took that time after the ceremony because when we arrived at our room at the end of the night we realized we never actually checked in, so my new husband broke in through a window, broke a shelf, and hurt his arm. Thank goodness we had 'soup' already because after breaking into our room, neither of us had the energy for anything other than sleep.' —Jass, 30

An Awkward Encounter

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'My husband and I had every intention of consecrating our marriage, but he passed out. I'm not even sure who helped me out of my dress and into my bride nightie. But what I do remember is waking up in the middle of the night and thinking the door to our room was the door to the bathroom and locking myself out. As soon as the door clicked shut, I knew where I was. I started banging on the door as loud as I could, but my passed-out husband didn't budge. After a mad rush to the lobby, and an awkward encounter with the teenager working the desk (it was 3:30 am, and I was braless in the skimpiest pajamas on the planet), I was safely back in our suite.' —Lauren, 27

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But First, Sleep


'We tried to have sex. Gave it our best go. We were so drunk and tired from dancing. We’re making out, both trying to be sexy and then suddenly, as if we had a psychic connection, we both go, ‘Do you want to go to sleep?! I’m so f*cking tired.’ And we went to bed. It was actually really romantic and sweet.' —Melissa, 29


'We didn’t have any sex the night of my wedding. But, we did have some wonderful sex the next morning, brutally hungover, after a delicious breakfast in bed. I guess you could say we had dessert with our waffles.' —Lilly, 35

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'My wife went down on me and then we were both so over it, we went to bed. Well, I wouldn’t say 'over it'; we just wanted to sleep. Sleep is amazing! We are still sleeping (and sexing) together three years later.' —Hayley, 32

'I had my period, so we went back to our hotel, had a relaxing bubble bath, he massaged my feet, [I] gave him an amazing BJ in the shower, and then [we] cuddled.' —Lesley, 28

Sex Tips for Losing Your Virginity on Your Wedding Night